Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Witness, How do I do that?

I am like Jim, never ventured out into this blog world before, and frankly haven't read very many. However, when Matt said we needed writers, I figured I could always find something to say, and most of you know that is really speaking the truth :) But here is what got this thought started....

A few months ago, Chaz Chinsethigid blessed us with singing an awesome song with the choir. Many of you have heard it a million times, as the youth sing it often as well. I don't know the name, but it talks about a man on a plane with his Bible, and how that lead to him witnessing to a stranger. And that got me thinking, how can I find ways to witness. I must admit, I have never been someone to go about sharing my testimony, and certainly don't really look for ways to do so. There is a lot of fear that comes with that, and lets face it, no one really likes a Bible beater. And if people don't like you they aren't going to listen to what you have to say, right? So, I thought what can I do or say to change some of that?
Well, here are some ideas that God sent to me as I pondered that tought.
I wear a beatiful cross on occasion. It is really sparkly and has lots of rinestones, it truly is an eye catching piece. I love it, my Mom gave it to me, and it goes with everything. Everytime I wear it, I get compliments. I usually say, "Oh thanks my Mom gave it to me". Or "it's one of my favorites", but what would happen if I said, "Thanks, it really helps me remember what God did for me and reminds me to share that with others". Wouldn't that be an awesome way to make an impact on someone's life? They may walk away, but at least I would have given it a shot. I also have a t-shirt or two with a cross (also sparkly) on it, and although I don't get as many compliments, it's still and opportunity waiting to happen.
But what about all of you men out there, I know you don't go around wearing sparkly crosses around your neck. Unless of course you are a 50cent impersonator in your spare time :) So what can you wear, or keep on or around you that could lead to a conversation about salvation? Or for you women who just don't like sparkly stuff or jewelry, what are subtle everday ways to witness? I would love to have some other thoughts, because I don't wear the cross everyday.
Thanks for letting me knock around some thoughts in my head.

As my Grandma always says ....
Remember where you come from,


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